[Music] our next recipient in honor of outstanding scholarship is from the college of health and human services dr victor wang from professional studies who has published an outstanding and impressive number of articles victor well thank you csulb for giving me the honor i truly enjoy publishing in english and i hope that someday i will publish in german and that's my second foreign language a lot of people ask me about the history of career and technical education or adult education i'm in the field and here's what i tell other people about the field uh career and technical education parallels the efforts of humanity from the stone age to modern civilization and over 200 universities in this country offer degree programs in this field and i am so happy that csulb offers such degree programs for adult learners and thank you again provost good and president alexander dean gramat and dean marquita and my colleagues students thank you for giving me the honor [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] suitable for using your course syllabus and as an integral resource for research advancements within your department this publication should be included within your institutions library along with these related publications [Music] you